Monday, October 22, 2012

It Feels Like the First Time...It Feels Like the Very First Time

And it is! Sort of.

That's Right! It took me a while but after a bout of gender confusion [1] (I accidentally checked the "female" box in my profile setting...a-gain), I'm finally writing my first blog entry! [2] I don't really wanna spill my bleeding heart all over my posts or take you down into the darkest pits of my psyche or anything...yyyyyyyyet. [3] We'll see. Right now, I just wanna put up my musings about military life as a -REDACTED- in-training at -REDACTED-. I also have a pretty damn funny wife, Mrs. Bloggertron, and the majority of what she says is delightsome and blog-worthy. Also, once upon a dream I wrote a lot, and I feel like in the passing years my l337 wr1t1n5 5k1llz have waned significantly. This is partly a last-ditch attempt at reclaiming them. [4] Expect wacky happenings, crazy opinions, potentially intelligent discussions, and a potpurri of judiciously-delivered cussin'. [5]

[1]  Let's be honest here: a blog about a married lesbian servicewoman would be way more interesting.

[2]  Precedence of said blog post may or may not be true.

[3]  In my head, that sounded like Homer when he buys a gun.

[4]  I'm not old enough for a mid-life crisis quiiiiiite yet, although my hairline might not agree with me.

[5]  And copious footnotes!  wheeeeeeeeeeee footnotes!

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